Clock with PIC connected to RTC DS3231. The pic enquier the time every second. The DF-Player plays the cuckoo sound once every 15 minutes and on the hour it plays the number of hours.
The code includes sound file, format the SD card FAT32 and copy the sound file to the root directory.
The TFT module is 1.8 inch screen, it has the driver ic ST7735, SPI interface.
You are free to use the circuit diagram and the software with no limitations.
RTC DS3231 OLED CLOCK PIC16F1827 / PIC12F1822
OLED clock with PIC connected to RTC DS3231. The day month and year are displayed. MODE button selects what part off date to set, the part is marked with a line. Button INC changes the value. The pic enquier the date every second.
PIC12F1822 sets SQW to 1Hz it used to trigger time reading.
You are free to use the circuit diagram and the software with no limitations.
RTC DS3231 OLED CLOCK ATtiny45 / 85
OLED clock with ATtiny85 or ATtiny45 connected to RTC DS3231. The day month and year are displayed. MODE button selects what part off date to set, the part is marked with a line. Button INC changes the value.
ATtiny sets SQW to 1Hz it used to trigger time reading.
ATtiny is programmed using Arduino IDE and Arduino as ISP. Use these instructions https://gist.github.com/ij96/804e731bd31dbb95b2b043e93c79ceab with the difference of burning bootloader with setting "Clock Source 4MHz(internal)", this makes the CPU working at frequency of 4MHz.
LCD clock with PIC16F628A / PIC16F1827 connected to RTC DS3231. The day, month, year and temperature are displayed, temperature measurment is sourced by the RTC. SQW is set to 1Hz and used to trigger time reading. PIC16F628A uses software I2C toread the RTC.
MODE button selects what part off date to set, the part is marked with 2 letters ie minute=mi. Button INCREASE chnges the value. The pic enquier the date every second.
You are free to use the circuit diagram and the software with no limitations.
24 hour clock with watch crystal. Included C code for MPLAB X and circuit diagram.
Display is 9mm 7 segment 4 digits LED: TM1637. Brightness can be set in software level 0 to 7.
You are free to use the circuit diagram and the software with no limitations.

24 hour clock with watch crystal. Included C code for MPLAB X and circuit diagram.
OLED display, 128x64 - 0.96" or 128x32 - 0.91", SSD1306, I2C. Brightness can be set in software.
If using 128x32 OLED change code in main() oled_init(64); to oled_init(32); HEX files for both OLEDs are included.
LCD TFT is digital display at its best, it displays versatile clear picture. The picture is built by entering the address and the color of a pixel or rectangle, so it's simple to use too.
Clock based on PIC16F876A 1.8" LCD TFT Module. Included C code,
makefile for MPLAB X, hex file and circuit diagram. Fonts are 5 bytes
long each they are stored in the flash memory of the PIC.
Seconds timebase for the clock is a division of the 16MHz crystal using
CCP1, CCP2, TMR1 and TMR2. A link of pins 11 and 12 connects the output
of CCP2 to TMR1 input.
2xDS18B20 digital sensors are for measuring temperatures inside and
outside the house. The temperature range is -55 to 99.9 centigrade. The
sensor doesn't require calibration. The software updates the reading
every 30 seconds.
LCD TFT module has the driver ST7735 size is 1.8" 160x128 pixels.
. Inputs of the driver tolerate 5V, the board has 3.3V regulator for the
You are free to use the circuit diagram and the software with no limitations.

Circuit Description
See also Technical Tips
DS18B20 is a digital temperature sensor, any case type
can be used.
The crystal is 16 MHz, refer to the data sheet for the recommended capacitors. Most crystals use 22pF.
Link between pins 11 and 12 connects 5 KHz generated by CCP2 driving TMR1 and CCP1 to give timebase of 1 sec.
The TFT module in the project has the driver ic ST7735 . LED input is connected
directly to the led's,
the 47 ohm resistor is selected to give max
brightness, the resistance can be increased to reduce the light.
HOUR and MINUTE pushbuttons can be any type of NO switch. |