OLED Oscilloscope ATtiny85
LCD Counter ATtiny88
LCD Counter ATtiny84
20 Tracks Sound Recorder
SD Card Data Logger
FAT32 Player ATtiny85/45
CH376 USB Picture Frame
SD FAT32 Player PIC12F1822
W25Q64 Flash Recorder
SD Picture Frame
SD FAT32 TFT Display
Doorbell with SD/EEPROM
SD Talking Clock
SD FAT32 Sound Player Recorder
SD Arduino Recorder
Arduino Picture Frame
Projects Without uControlador
CH341 USB to 16x2 LCD
CH341 USB to TFT
CH341 USB Input Output
PC Digital I/O
CH341 Analogue to USB
OLED Counter ATtiny85
AD9833 Waveform Generator
Chrome Browser Counter
Arduino LED MAX7219 Counter
LCD Accurate Counter
OLED Accurate Counter
MilliHertz Counter
PIC Counter For Android
MAX7219 LED Counter
WiFi Frequency Counter
Frequency Generator
OLED Counter PIC12F629
Talking Frequency Counter
TFT Counter PIC16F628A
SSD1331 Counter PIC16F628A
Arduino Counter for PC
OLED Arduino Counter
TFT 10MHz Counter
PC Counter
LED Counter
Scope Screen Counter
LCD 16 x 2 Counter
6MHz Android Counter
NIXIE Android Counter
Bluetooth Counters
USB Counter PIC18F2550
OBD2 RPM meter PIC16F876A
OBD2 Android Rev Counter
OBD2 Diagnostic App PIC/Arduino
Logic Analyzer
PIC12F1822 Scope for PC
Arduino Oscilloscope for PC
Arduino OLED Oscilloscope
Android Oscilloscope
TFT Oscilloscope
USB Oscilloscope PIC18F2550
Temperature Controller
Thermocouple 1023 Deg
Thermometer For Browser
OLED Thermometer PIC12F629
OLED Room Thermostat
TFT Clock and Thermometer
LED Thermometer
USB Thermometer
Serial Thermometer
USB DS18B20 Sensor
Cuckoo Clock
Real Time Clock DS3231
LED TM1637 Timer
OLED Timer Thermometer
TFT Timer Thermometer
LED Timer
LCD Timer
Talking Clock PIC16F628A
Android Talking Clock
WiFi, Ethernet
WiFi Thermometer
WiFi ESP8266
IO for Chrome Browser
USB 16x2 LCD
USB TFT display BMP
USB Meter
USB Input-Output
USB Input-Output Android
Musical Doorbell
Talk to Arduino
HC-SR04 Sensor
OLED Amp Meter
Water Softener
Solar Charger
Music, Birthday Card
Code Lock
Serial Port
LPT Printer Port
List of Projects Technical Tips  


Project for connecting analogue signal to LPT printer port. Included Visual Basic 6 software and a circuit diagram. The MCP3201 is a micro-power 12 bit analogue to digital converter. The conversion selector selects the MSB when it sets to 8 Bit or 10 Bit and ignores the rest of the bits. With less resolution the reading is more stable. The supply to the circuit is via the 5V at pins that are switched to logic high by the software.
The VB6 software includes a freeware DLL from ,keep the .dll file and the .exe file in the same folder.
Datasheet for the MCP3201 can be downloaded from LTC1285, ADS7822 are direct replacement to MCP3201.
VB6 code (30KB).


Circuit Description
See also Technical Tips

For the external supply version input is 5V.

Input at pin 2 of the ADC is 0 to 2.5 volts full range positive voltage only. The chip over voltage protection is 5V max.
Pin 8 is the supply to the IC and it is about 3.2 V.
Pin 1 is reference voltage for the ADC and cannot be changed because it regulates the supply to the IC.
Pin 6 is the serial data out of the ADC, BC237 is a TTL level drive.
Pin 7 is the clock for reading the data, 100pF is for filtering crosstalk from the cable.
Pin 5 is the Chip Select.
100R resistors and diodes on these lines are for clipping the voltage to the Vcc of the IC.
LPT plug
Pins 23,34,25 are earth. Pins 1,11,14 are inputs and outputs used for reading the ADC data. Pins 8,9 are switched to 5 V , output high, by the software and are used for powering the circuit.



A project of connecting LCD display module to LPT printer port with multi lines and adjustable characters number. Included a VB6 software, Visual Studio 2005 VB and a circuit diagram. There are several makes of this module that are interchangeable, the one I used is UC-16207. The LCD module has a 14 way connector, 8 pins are used for data, 2 for supply, register select(RS), read/write, enable (E) and contrast adj. The R/W input must be connected to earth to make sure that data lines are in input mode. The VB application has only basic functions, it can be changed to interface the display for a variety of inputs.
The LCD module requires a delay of 2 ms or longer for some of the commands and clock (Enable) of 10 us or longer. By loop counting during Timer1 of 100 ms interval the speed of the cpu can be assessed and used to set micro-second time base.
The io.dll file has to be in the same folder as the exe file.
You can read more about LPT interface in
The download includes a freeware DLL (io.dll) which can be updated from
Keep the .exe file and .dll in the same folder.


Circuit Description
See also Technical Tips

5 volt supply can be an external power supply, using the hosting computer 5V is much preferred because variation between the computer 5V and the external 5V can lead to undesirable currents through the data lines. 5 volt supply is available at a USB port or the 4 way peripherals connector from the internal power supply unit.
Module can work with voltage range of 3.3 to 5 volts. Below 5 V the module doesn't initiate on power up so the VB extra instructions have to be enabled.
20K trimmer is needed to adjust the contrast voltage which vary with different batches of LCD.
Pins 7 to 14 of the LCD are data inputs. Pin 6 is clock input, enables LCD module to read the data.
Pin 4 is Register Select input, it is used for 16 bits instruction.



A project of connecting analogue signal to LPT printer port. Included a VB6 software and a circuit diagram. The ADC0804 is an 8 bit analogue to digital converter. 74HC4052 multiplexes the 8 bits output of the ADC into 2 data lines, it is needed because most LPT's have only 5 input lines. 74HC4052 can be replaced by 4052B CMOS.
You can read more about LPT interface in
The VB6 software includes a freeware DLL (inpout32.dll) from
VB6 code (30KB). Keep the .exe file and .dll in the same folder. You are free to use the circuit diagram and the VB software with no limitations.


Circuit Description
See also Technical Tips

5 volt supply can be an external power supply, using the hosting computer 5V is much preferred because variation between the computer 5V and the external 5V can lead to undesirable currents through the data lines. 5 volt supply is available at a USB port or the 4 way peripherals connector from the internal power supply unit.
10k resistor and 470pF are for setting the internal clock of the ADC.
Input at pin 6 of the ADC is 0 to 5 volts full range positive voltage only. The chip over voltage protection is 30V max.
Pins 2 and 3 of LPT select the 2 out of 8 bits to be read. Pins 15 and 13 read the selected 2 bits. Pin 1 initiates the ADC.
74HC4052 can be replaced by 4052B CMOS 4000 series.

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