OLED Thermometer ATtiny13
Birthday Song ATtiny13
OLED Oscilloscope ATtiny85
20 Tracks Sound Recorder
SD Card Data Logger
FAT32 Player ATtiny85/45
CH376 USB Picture Frame
SD FAT32 Player PIC12F1822
W25Q64 Flash Recorder
SD Picture Frame
SD FAT32 TFT Display
Doorbell with SD/EEPROM
SD Talking Clock
SD FAT32 Sound Player Recorder
SD Arduino Recorder
Arduino Picture Frame
Projects Without uControlador
CH341 USB to 16x2 LCD
CH341 USB to TFT
CH341 USB Input Output
PC Digital I/O
CH341 Analogue to USB
LCD Counter ATtiny88
OLED Counter ATtiny85
AD9833 Waveform Generator
Chrome Browser Counter
Arduino LED MAX7219 Counter
LCD Accurate Counter
OLED Accurate Counter
MilliHertz Counter
PIC Counter For Android
MAX7219 LED Counter
WiFi Frequency Counter
Frequency Generator
OLED Counter PIC12F629
Talking Frequency Counter
TFT Counter PIC16F628A
SSD1331 Counter PIC16F628A
Arduino Counter for PC
OLED Arduino Counter
TFT 10MHz Counter
PC Counter
LED Counter
Scope Screen Counter
LCD 16 x 2 Counter
6MHz Android Counter
NIXIE Android Counter
Bluetooth Counters
USB Counter PIC18F2550
OBD2 RPM meter PIC16F876A
OBD2 Android Rev Counter
OBD2 Diagnostic App PIC/Arduino
Logic Analyzer
PIC12F1822 Scope for PC
Arduino Oscilloscope for PC
Arduino OLED Oscilloscope
Android Oscilloscope
TFT Oscilloscope
USB Oscilloscope PIC18F2550
Temperature Controller
Thermocouple 1023 Deg
Thermometer For Browser
OLED Thermometer PIC12F629
OLED Room Thermostat
TFT Clock and Thermometer
LED Thermometer
USB Thermometer
Serial Thermometer
USB DS18B20 Sensor
Cuckoo Clock
Real Time Clock DS3231
LED TM1637 Timer
OLED Timer Thermometer
TFT Timer Thermometer
LED Timer
LCD Timer
Talking Clock PIC16F628A
Android Talking Clock
WiFi, Ethernet
WiFi Thermometer
WiFi ESP8266
IO for Chrome Browser
USB 16x2 LCD
USB TFT display BMP
USB Meter
USB Input-Output
USB Input-Output Android
Musical Doorbell
Talk to Arduino
HC-SR04 Sensor
OLED Amp Meter
Water Softener
Solar Charger
Music, Birthday Card
Code Lock
Serial Port
LPT Printer Port
List of Projects Technical Tips  


Low frequency oscilloscope, bandwidth is DC to 5KHz. Max sampling rate is 50,000 samples per second. The USB to UART (Serial) Adapter communicates between the PIC and the PC. eBay
The PIC code sends 62 bytes of input sampling to form one screen, screen sampling is taken every 0.5 second. The PC sends 1 byte that relates to time selected in the app..
The PC app is in VS2010, code and exe file are included.
The Analogue Comparator of the PIC (pins 6, 7) is used to detect zero crossing of input signal, it triggers start of sampling the trace when signal is rising.
The screen is constructed from 62 sampling. The ADC reads the input at resolution of 10 bits and the MSB 8 bits are used and the dote position is calculated.
100K Resistors bias the input to a voltage of middle of the screen, use them if your input is AC. The input is at pin 5 , for DC input bypass 1uF cap.

oled scope oledusb



Logic analyzer 4 channels for frequencies up to 20KHz. PIC is connected to PC via USB to UART (Serial) Adapter eBay , Arduino Uno or Nano are connected to USB directly (no need for adapter). PIC or Arduino use Visual Studio 2010 app to display the logic. Waveforms aren't accurate for frequencies over 20KHz due to the speed of the microcontroller.
The code sends 64 bytes of input sampling to form one screen, screen sampling is taken every 1 second. The PC sends 1 byte that relates to time selected in the app..
The PC app is in VS2010, code and exe file are included.
Arduino inputs are at pins 8,9,10,11 when channel 1 is at pin 8.

oled scope oledusb



Low frequency oscilloscope, bandwidth is DC to 25KHz. Max sampling rate is 50,000 samples per second. Arduino Uno or Nano can be used. The input is to pin A0 of the Arduino which connected to PC via USB.
The PC app is in VB6 and VS2010, code and exe file are included.
The Arduino software is mostly in C code in purpose to speed up the ADC on expense of conversion accuracy. For lower frequencies a delay for each sample gives slower sweep. Input is DC or AC not acceding 5V.
The Analogue Comparator of the Arduino (pins 6, 7) is used to detect zero crossing of input signal, it triggers start of sampling the trace when signal is rising.
The screen is constructed from 62 sampling. The ATMEGA ADC reads the input at resolution of 10 bits and the MSB 8 bits are used and the dote position is calculated.
Resistors bias the input to a voltage of middle of the screen, use them if your input is AC.

oled scope oled



OLED low frequency oscilloscope, bandwidth is DC to 5KHz. Max sampling rate is 50,000 samples per second. An oscilloscope with these specifications has limited use, but it is a good exercise in using OLED display. Software trigger starts the sampling when the input signal crosses zero. Input tolerates 5V max.
Oled is 0.96" I2C SSD1306 driver.
The screen is constructed from 64 sampling. The ADC reads the input at resolution of 10 bits. The MSB 8 bits are used and the dote position is calculated.
SWEEP sets the X timing by changing the delay between samplings.

 oledoled scope



OLED low frequency oscilloscope, bandwidth is DC to 5KHz. Max sampling rate is 50,000 samples per second. An oscilloscope with these specifications has limited use, but it is a good exercise in using OLED display. Software trigger starts the sampling when the input signal crosses zero. Input tolerates 5V max.
ATtiny85 or ATtiny45 can be used. Oled is 0.96" I2C SSD1306 driver.
The screen is constructed from 64 sampling. The ADC reads the input at resolution of 10 bits. The MSB 8 bits are used and the dote position is calculated.
SWEEP sets the X timing by changing the delay between samplings.
ATTINY is programmed using Arduino IDE and Arduino as ISP. Use these instructions with the difference of burning bootloader with setting "Clock Source 4MHz internal".

 oledoled scope



OLED low frequency oscilloscope, bandwidth is DC to 20KHz. Max sampling rate is 50,000 samples per second. An oscilloscope with these specifications has limited use, but it is a good exercise in using OLED display.
Arduino Uno or Nano can be used. Oled is 0.96" I2C SSD1306 driver.
The screen is constructed from 64 sampling. The ATMEGA ADC reads the input at resolution of 10 bits. The MSB 8 bits are used and the dote position is calculated.
Switch is on for input frequency below 100Hz.
Resistors bias the input to a voltage of middle of the screen, use them if your input is AC.

 oledoled scope



LCD TFT low frequency oscilloscope, bandwidth is DC to 5000Hz. Max sampling rate is 40000 samples per second. An oscilloscope with these specifications has limited use, but it is a good exercise in using LCD TFT. Arduino can be Uno or Nano.
The screen is constructed from 33 lines. The ADC reads the input at resolution of 10 bits, the MSB 8 bits are stored in the RAM and then transmitted to the LCD RAM by 4 wires SPI.
The Sweep time is selected by the 10K pot, the ADC converts the pot voltage to digital value.
LCD TFT modules has the driver ST7735, 160x128 pixels, 1.8 inch.





LCD TFT low frequency oscilloscope, bandwidth is DC to 500Hz. Max sampling rate is 16000 samples per second. An oscilloscope with these specifications has limited use, but it is a good exercise in using LCD TFT. Arduino can be Uno or Nano.
The screen is constructed from 33 lines. The ADC reads the input at resolution of 10 bits, the MSB 8 bits are stored in the RAM and then transmitted to the LCD RAM by 4 wires SPI.
The Sweep time is selected by the 10K pot, the ADC converts the pot voltage to digital value.
LCD TFT modules has the driver ST7735, 160x128 pixels, 1.8 inch.





LCD TFT is digital display at its best, it displays versatile clear picture. The picture is built by entering the address and the color of a pixel or rectangle, so it's simple to use too.
LCD TFT low frequency oscilloscope, bandwidth is DC to 1000Hz. Max sampling rate is 16000 samples per second. An oscilloscope with these specifications has limited use, but it is a good exercise in using LCD TFT.
The screen is constructed from 80 sampling. The ADC reads the input at resolution of 10 bits. The MSB 8 bits are stored in the pic RAM and then transmitted to the LCD RAM by 4 wires SPI.
The time selector has 100ms per screen, 10ms and the third position is about 5ms. The trigger is done by software and can be switched off.
LCD TFT modules vary depending on the drive IC. The module in the project has the driver ST7735. I bought this module directly from China because the price was more sensible.
Code was written on MPLAB and compiled with the free HI TECH C compiler V9.80



Circuit Description
See also Technical Tips

Pin 2 is the analogue input. Input voltage range is 0 to 5V absolute max,
voltage outside this range can latch the input or even permanently damage the IC.
The clock is 8MHz by the crystal osc.
The module in the project has the driver ic ST7735 .



The display is a fast switching squarewave, on CRT display the vertical traces are hardly visible so the visible dotes are the horizontal traces. Each dot of the display is a trace of 20 uS. The voltage level for the dot is generated by the Vref generator which is part of the PIC16F628. PIC asm and C code, and a circuit diagram are included.
The counter time base is 1 second. During 1 second count the display is on, it goes off for the duration of the conversion from binary to decimal. The C version uses the compiler method of converting binary to decimal and the conversion time is about 0.5 second. In my assembler version the conversion requires 10 instructions for each bit hence 10 seconds for 1 MHz.
Set the oscilloscope time base to 1mS/div. Connecting the Trigger is optional but very useful. Set the scope input to 50mV/div. The signal level depends on the resistor connected across the output of the PIC, see circuit diagram. The purpose of the resistor is to compensate for low quality probe, with good probe the resistor can be removed and setting the scope input to 1V/div.
For the method of displaying text on oscilloscope screen I was mostly influenced by Emilio Pietro's project:
Software includes PIC code (6KB). You are free to use the circuit diagram and the software with no limitations.

Circuit Description
See also Technical Tips

5V is the supply to the microcontroller.

Pin 12 is the frequency input, input signal has to be TTL type (for 5V supply).
Pin 11 is a trigger signal for the oscilloscope. If your scope has a good internal trigger then you can do without it.
The 3K3 resistor is to compensate for low quality probe, with good probe the resistor can be removed or increased to 10K.
The output signal level depends on the value of the resistor.
The other pins are not in use but must be left open circuit.

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