20 Tracks Sound Recorder
SD FAT32 Sound Recorder
OLED Frequency Counter ATtiny85
SD Card Data Logger
FAT32 Player ATtiny85/45
USB Input Output
CH376 USB Picture Frame
SD FAT32 Player PIC12F1822
W25Q64 Flash Recorder
Picture Frame PIC16F690
Color OLED Picture Frame
SD FAT32 TFT Display
Doorbell with SD/EEPROM
SD Talking Clock
SD Sound Recorder
SD FAT32 wav Player
SD Arduino Recorder
Arduino Picture Frame
AD9833 Waveform Generator
Chrome Browser Counter
Arduino LED MAX7219 Counter
LCD Accurate Counter
OLED Accurate Counter
MilliHertz Counter
PIC Counter For Android
MAX7219 LED Counter
WiFi Frequency Counter
Frequency Generator
OLED Counter PIC12F629
Talking Frequency Counter
TFT Counter PIC16F628A
SSD1306 Counter PIC16F628A
SSD1331 Counter PIC16F628A
Arduino Counter for PC
OLED Arduino Counter
OLED Frequency Counter
TFT 10MHz Counter
PC Counter
LED Counter
Scope Screen Counter
LCD 16 x 2 Counter
LCD Arduino Counter
6MHz Android Counter
NIXIE Android Counter
Bluetooth Counters
USB Counter
OBD2 RPM meter PIC16F876A
OBD2 Engine Rev Counter
OBD2 Diagnostic app
Logic Analyzer
PIC12F1822 Scope for PC
Arduino Oscilloscope for PC
Arduino OLED Oscilloscope
Android Oscilloscope
TFT Oscilloscope
USB Oscilloscope
Thermocouple 1023 Deg
Thermometer For Browser
OLED Thermometer PIC12F629
OLED Room Thermostat
TFT Clock and Thermometer
LED Thermometer
USB Thermometer
Serial Thermometer
Serial Thermostat
USB DS18B20 Sensor
Cuckoo Clock
Real Time Clock DS3231
LED TM1637 Timer
OLED Timer Thermometer
TFT Timer Thermometer
LED Timer
LCD Timer
Clock Thermometer
Talking Clock PIC16F628A
Android Talking Clock
WiFi, Ethernet
WiFi Thermometer
WiFi ESP8266
IO for Chrome Browser
USB 16x2 LCD
USB TFT display BMP
USB Meter
USB Input-Output
USB Input-Output Android
Analogue to USB (CH341)
MCP3201 on Serial Port
PC Analog Input (USB-UART)
Serial TFT Text
Serial Inputs Outputs
Serial Port LCD
Analogue Signal to Serial
Musical Doorbell
Talk to Arduino
HC-SR04 Sensor
OLED Amp Meter
PC digital I/O (no coding)
Analogue Signal to LPT
LCD Display on LPT
Water Softener
Solar Charger
Music, Birthday Card
Code Lock
  Technical Tips  


The clock uses DS3231 Real Time Clock module. MODE button is for setting time and date. Hr sets the hour, mi setst minutes, Dy sets days and Yr sets year.
The DF Player plays many sound formats. The talking clock can be used in other languages. In languages that numbers are read in different order, like Arabic, section of the code has to be changed and number of tracks changed too. MP3 files in English can be downloaded above.
Display is 16x2 LCD, HD44780 compatible.
Format the card with FAT32. No folders or subfolders.
Copy to the root folder the files, one at a time and in this order; 0 to 19 (20 files),20,30,40,50,"hours","minutes","good day" (or any other message). Totally 27 files. If you make a mistake while copying the files to the SD it isn't good enough to delete a file, you must start again with formatting the SD. The reason for loading the files one at a time is that if you load them together the PC sends them to the card in the order it finds fit, and when the code plays them it picks up the files without searching for their name.


Circuit Description
See also Technical Tips

DFPlayer mini module is sold as MP3 player.
470R resistor is to reduce the 5V output of the Arduino to 3.3V input of the DFPlayer.
Connecting 10-100 ohm resistor in series to the speaker reduces the current from the 5V supply.



The clock uses DS3231 Real Time Clock module. MODE button is for setting time and date. Hr sets the hour, mi setst minutes, Dy sets days and Yr sets year.
The DF Player plays many sound formats. The talking clock can be used in other languages. In languages that numbers are read in different order, like Arabic, section of the code has to be changed and number of tracks changed too. MP3 files in English can be downloaded above.
Display is 16x2 LCD, HD44780 compatible.
Format the card with FAT32. No folders or subfolders.
Copy to the root folder the files, one at a time and in this order; 0 to 19 (20 files),20,30,40,50,"hours","minutes","good day" (or any other message). Totally 27 files. If you make a mistake while copying the files to the SD it isn't good enough to delete a file, you must start again with formatting the SD. The reason for loading the files one at a time is that if you load them together the PC sends them to the card in the order it finds fit, and when the code plays them it picks up the files without searching for their name.


Circuit Description
See also Technical Tips

DFPlayer mini module is sold as MP3 player.
470R resistor is to reduce the 5V output of the Arduino to 3.3V input of the DFPlayer.
Connecting 10-100 ohm resistor in series to the speaker reduces the current from the 5V supply.



The clock uses ATMEGA328 internal timers to get 1 second time base which is as accurate as the 16MHz crystal. The code works for Arduino Nano and Uno only. 
The Player plays many sound formats. The talking clock can be used in other languages. In languages that numbers are read in different order, like Arabic, section of the code has to be changed and number of tracks changed too. MP3 files in English can be downloaded above. Track 28 (alarm sound) can be replaced by a song you like.
MODE button is for setting time and volume. M_C sets the clock, M-A setst alarm time, M-O sets alarm ON/OFF and M-V sets volume.
When power comes on after power cut TALK button has to be presset to start the clock.
Display is OLED 0.96", SSD1306, I2C.
JQ6500 includes memory chip of 2/4 MB and used to store the sound tracks (no need for SD Card). Loading the tracks to the memory is done using an app on the JQ6500. More about JQ6500: and
For DF Player Format the card with FAT32. No folders or subfolders.
Copy to the root folder the files, one at a time and in this order; 0 to 19 (20 files),20,30,40,50,"hours","minutes","good day" (or any other message), alarm. Totally 28 files. If you make a mistake while copying the files to the SD it isn't good enough to delete a file, you must start again with formatting the SD. The reason for loading the files one at a time is that if you load them together the PC sends them to the card in the order it finds fit, and when the code plays them it picks up the files without searching for their name. The software includes wave files in English.

DFPlayer and JQ6500 mini modules are sold as MP3 player for Arduino. and





The clock tells the time by playing back tracks from the SD. The SD (2-32GB) is FAT32 formatted. The tracks are wave (.wav) files of 22.050 KHz, 8 bits, mono. SD card interface is in SPI mode. The clock has an hourly announcement of time. The optional NIGHT SWITCH when closed disables the hourly announcement.
The LCD module is 2 lines 16 characters.
The ATMEGA328P generates audio using PWM.
Sound tracks can be any sound. The code doesn't read the file name, it goes to the file number in the list of 27 files. The code plays tracks in this order: tens of hours, hours, "hours", tens of minutes, minutes, "minutes" and then a message, for example; "have a nice day".
Good free specifications for SD can be found in SanDisk PDF:
The SD card has to be prepared this way:
Files have to be 22.050 KHz, 8 bits, mono. With short names (max 8 characters).
Format the card with FAT32. No folders or subfolders.
Copy to the root folder the files, one at a time and in this order; 0 to 19 (20 files),20,30,40,50,"hours","minutes","good day" (or any other message). Totally 27 files. If you make a mistake while copying the files to the SD it isn't good enough to delete a file, you must start again with formatting the SD. The reason for loading the files one at a time is that if you load them together the PC sends them to the card in the order it finds fit, and when the code plays them it picks up the files without searching for their name. The software includes wave files in English.


Circuit Description
See also Technical Tips

LCD supply is 5V. The SD Card supply is only 3.3V (3-3.6V) The 3.3V and 5V are generated on the Arduino board.
The PWM output is boosted by 2 transistors push-pull. The signal to the speaker is PWM of 62 KHz and the speaker outputs the modulated audio only. The speaker should be 8 ohms or higher.
Digital outputs from the Arduino to the SD card use 1K and 2K resistors to reduce the 5V signals to 3.3V. SD output at pin 7 is 3.3V but is enough to drive the input.
The pins number are for ordinary SD card, for MicroSD the pins are different.
Link between Arduino pins 3 and 5 connect 1000 Hz clock from timer 2 to timer 1, these timers generate 1 minute time base.
LCD display and driver has 14 way connector, 10 connections are used, 4 bits data bus is selected. 10K pot adjusts the contrast. Use 16 x 2 LCD module.



Time base is set by dividing 4MHz crystal using CCP1and TMR1. LED module is 9mm 4 digits of 7 segment.
JQ6500 includes memory chip of 2/4 MB and used to store the sound tracks (no need for SD Card). Loading the tracks to the memory is done using an app on the JQ6500, see links below. Sound tracks in English can be downloaded from the top of this page, they can be changed to any language, you can also record your own voice.
Volume is set by holding VOLUME pressed and then pressing MINUTES to reduce volume or pressing HOUR to increase volume. Pressing for 15 seconds changes volume from min to max.
More about JQ6500: ,

 1637 1637df



Time base is set by dividing 4MHz crystal using CCP1and TMR1. LED module is 9mm 4 digits of 7 segment.
Pressing TALK requests relevant tracks of hours and minutes to be played. Tracks can be changed to any language, wav or mp3, you can also record your own voice.
The SD card in the player must be formatted to FAT32. The player reads the tracks in the order they are written (not by the names), as an example track 53msg.mp3 is read by the dfplayer . Tracks files must be copied to the SD one track at a time and in the order they are in the computer folder. No other files or folders should be on the card. If you wish to change any of the tracks you need to reformate the SD first and then copy the new files.
Datasheet for the DFPlayer:

 1637 1637df



JQ6500 includes memory chip of 2/4 MB and used to store the sound tracks (no need for SD Card). Loading the tracks to the memory is done using an app on the JQ6500, see links below. Sound tracks in English can be downloaded from the top of this page, they can be changed to any language, you can also record your own voice.
Volume is set by holding VOLUME pressed and then pressing MINUTES to reduce volume or pressing HOUR to increase volume. Pressing for 15 seconds changes volume from min to max.
OLED: The pic drives the OLED using software I2C (bit banging). Time base is set by dividing 4MHz crystal using CCP1and TMR1. OLED module is 0.96", I2C, SSD1306 driver, 128x64. If using 0.91", 128x32 OLED 2 changes are needed in the code: change definition of yc to 0 and in void oled_init() change command(0x12) to command(0x22).
More about JQ6500: ,

628 628df



OLED: The pic drives the OLED using software I2C (bit banging). Time base is set by dividing 4MHz crystal using CCP1and TMR1. OLED module is 0.96", I2C, SSD1306 driver, 128x64. If using 0.91", 128x32 OLED 2 changes are needed in the code: change definition of yc to 0 and in void oled_init() change command(0x12) to command(0x22).
Pressing TALK requests relevant tracks of hours and minutes to be played. Tracks can be changed to any language, wav or mp3, you can also record your own voice.
The SD card in the player must be formatted to FAT32. The player reads the tracks in the order they are written (not by the names), as an example track 53msg.mp3 is read by the dfplayer . Tracks files must be copied to the SD one track at a time and in the order they are in the computer folder. No other files or folders should be on the card. If you wish to change any of the tracks you need to reformate the SD first and then copy the new files.
Datasheet for the DFPlayer:

628 628df



The pic drives the LCD to display hours and minutes. Time base is set by dividing the crystal oscillator. Using PIC16F876A/628A.
Pressing TALK requests relevant tracks of hours and minutes to be played. Tracks can be changed to any language, wav or mp3, you can also record your own voice. 
The SD card in the player must be formatted to FAT32. The player reads the tracks in the order they are written (not by the names). Track files must be copied to the SD one track at a time and in the order they are in the computer folder. No other files or folders should be on the card. If you wish to change any of the tracks you need to reformate the SD first and then copy the new files.
Datasheet for the DFPlayer:
The LCD module is HD44780 compatible, most modules on sale are. It can be 1 or 2 lines. 

You are free to use the circuit diagram and software with no limitations.

pic df628 lcd

Circuit Description
See also Technical Tips

DFPlayer mini module is sold as MP3 player for Arduino.
1K /470R resistor is to reduce the 5V output of the PIC to 3.3V input of the DFPlayer.
Volume can be controlled by pushbuttons connected to pins 9, 11 of the DFPlayer, see the datasheet.
Connecting 10-100 ohm resistor in series to the speaker reduces the volume and the current from the 5V supply.
LCD display is 1 or 2 lines 16 characters module.
Pic16f876a link between pins 11 and 12 connects output of CCP2 to the input of TIMER1.



The clock uses Text To Speech built in Android device, for reading the time. It reads time hourly at the background. The app is made in B4A (basic for Android). Included code for the app, if you wish to change it download free IDE from:
To install the app on Android device place the APK file in the device, when you open the file it ask if you want it installed.
Leave the clock running in your office so at least once every hour you get to hear something that makes sense.


Comments and questions

Copy the number from the picture It stops net-robots from adding comments.

30.12.2022 - 05:06
Name: Moty
Comment: What microcontroller are you using? Do you have the part number of your LCD display?

30.12.2022 - 04:37
Name: Prantik
Comment: hey,I have completed this circuit on PCB, display also works but not showing time . we have also set the potentiometer and it still not working. help me out ?

05.09.2022 - 17:20
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Bob, Dowload of this project is together with the next project on the page. There is a line in the code that disables hourly talk when you comment it. Have fun coding.

05.09.2022 - 09:14
Name: Bob
Comment: Hi Moty, Nice projects - I cannot find where to download the software for your first listed talking clock using Arduino, SSD1306 and DFPlayer. Secondly someone called Sadk, asked about "Time on demand, by depressing a button" have you done a software version of this? Am using Arduino IDE ver 2.0 to edit text. Look forward to your response, please.

20.06.2022 - 12:48
Name: Moty
Comment: The connections in the drawing are for SD card, for microSD card use an adapter. Format the SD card befor uploading the wav files you downloaded.

20.06.2022 - 10:07
Name: ashok
Comment: ARDUINO LCD AND SD CARD TALKING CLOCK - showing SD Error kindly help me

03.05.2022 - 02:58
Name: Sadk
Comment: Using ((b4a)) application, how can only output sound when I press talk to (((arduino)))

01.05.2022 - 12:07
Name: Moty
Comment: Edited: Hi Sadk, If you are using the b4a IDE then in module "Starter" line 18 change 'timer1.Enabled=True' to 'timer1.Enabled=False'. In module "main" remove line 50 (Starter.timer1.Enabled=True). If you don't use the IDE let me know and I will publish another version for you.

01.05.2022 - 02:04
Name: Sadk
Comment: Using ((b4a)) application, how can only output sound when I press talk to (((arduino)))

05.08.2020 - 19:25
Name: Alex
Comment: Hello Moty! I found a gigrostat and I'm taking my question off.

27.07.2020 - 19:23
Name: Alex
Comment: Hello Moth! The clock never went, I took it apart. Can you make a gigrostat (a device for controlling humidity within certain limits by controlling the air humidifier) on ARDUINO, DHT11 (22), a four-bit seven-segment LED indicator with a common cathode?

26.07.2020 - 21:32
Name: Moty
Comment: Format the SD again and load the files with no folder.

26.07.2020 - 11:37
Name: Alex
Comment: Hello Moth! The clock doesn't work as it should. After powering the buttons, time is set, but after pressing the talk button, time sounds, and then all the sound files sound completely, then time stops, and there is no reaction to the buttons. If you press the conversation button immediately after the power supply, the time is not set by the buttons. I use a 4 gigabyte micro SD card with microSD card adapter according to your scheme.

09.03.2020 - 18:11
Name: Alex
Comment: Copy audio files to a folder on an SD Card or simply to a card?

08.03.2020 - 17:19
Name: Alex
Comment: Hi Moty! Why do all sound files sound after speaking time?

08.03.2020 - 13:26
Name: Moty
Comment: The sound being an hour ahead is because the SD isn't set properly. Try another SD card, preferably 1 to 8 GB.

07.03.2020 - 17:13
Name: Alex
Comment: Hi Moty! I have a photodetector, but I thought it was just for talking_clock_hourly firmware. Formatting FAT32, copied the .wav files one at a time, starting from scratch as written. After switching on, the LED L on the Arduino Nano board does not light, but after pressing the Talk button, the time sounds (by the way, an hour ahead) then all the sound files, the LED L lights up and then lights constantly. And there 's no reaction to pressing buttons.

07.03.2020 - 16:17
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Alex, Your wiring is most likely ok otherwise you wouldn't hear a sound. If you don't have the photo sensor connect pin 4 of the Arduino to ground. Use SD or SDHC card only. Format it FAT32 and copy the wav files one at a time starting from zero as described in this page.

07.03.2020 - 13:33
Name: Alex
Comment: I apologize - Moty

07.03.2020 - 13:30
Name: Alex
Comment: Hi Moth! It 's the same (firmware talking_clock). After pressing the Talk button, the time sounds and then all the sound files sound completely, then the time stops and there is no reaction to the buttons. This is the case with the speaker turned on and the speaker turned off. I use the micro SD card according to the diagram in the article (with resistors) with the corresponding outputs. All connections are checked according to the diagram.

06.03.2020 - 18:03
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Alex, I made a mistake putting the wrong files. Please download the software and try it.

06.03.2020 - 10:59
Name: Alex
Comment: Hello Moth! Turned off the speaker, connected the power supply with more power - after pressing Talk, the time sounds, and then all the sound files are completely. Then time stops and does not respond to the buttons.

03.03.2020 - 14:54
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Alex, If the two versions of firmware don't work it looks like you have a fault with the hardware. When I get a chance I will check the hourly code.

27.02.2020 - 15:21
Comment: Hi Moty! When using talking_clock_hourly firmware, it is not possible to set the time with buttons because the numbers change very quickly. No reaction to the photodetector.

27.02.2020 - 13:27
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Alex, It could be the 5V power supply not powerful enough to drive the speaker. Try it again with the speaker disconnected.

26.02.2020 - 07:34
Name: Alex
Comment: Hi Moty! After turning on the clock (talking_clock firmware), you can set the clock and minute readings. After you click Talk, the time sounds and then all the sound files are completely. Then the time stops and there is no reaction to the buttons.

20.01.2020 - 17:44
Name: Alex
Comment: Hi, Moty! It's cool! Many thanks!!! Which program created sound files?

20.01.2020 - 15:42
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Alex, You can download the revised software.

19.01.2020 - 17:42
Name: Alex
Comment: Hi, Moty! I can make a mistake with the line number. Write between which lines it is necessary to insert. I had such a photo sensor in mind.,searchweb201602_7,searchweb201603_53

19.01.2020 - 15:32
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Alex, Add this if(digitalRead(4)){Htalk=0;} at the top of loop function (line 80). During night pin 4 is connected to 5V.

18.01.2020 - 18:28
Name: Alex
Comment: Hi, Moty! Many thanks!!! Still request. Change the code so that the clock does not talk at night by disconnecting from the photo sensor (digital photo sensor for ARDUINO with Aliexpress).

18.01.2020 - 13:46
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Alex, I've added the code of hourly talk to the downloaded software.

17.01.2020 - 10:16
Name: Alex
Comment: Hi, Moty! Please write the changed lines of code. It is very necessary!

16.01.2020 - 15:48
Name: Moty
Comment: To make the clock talk every hour it needs one or two lines of the code changed.

15.01.2020 - 18:40
Name: Alex
Comment: Hi! Hours on ARDUINO can play time every hour? If not, can it be done?

02.01.2020 - 13:44
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Alex, It takes 20KB per second so it's 72MB for an hour recording.

02.01.2020 - 10:42
Name: Alex
Comment: Hi! What capacity should the SD card be for speaking hours on Arduino?

16.12.2019 - 12:41
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Alex, You don't need to connect external clock. Timer 2 divides the crystal 16 MHz to 1000 Hz. The output of timer 2 at pin 3 drives the input of timer 1 at pin 5. Timer 1 divides 1000 Hz by 60,000 to 1 minute.

16.12.2019 - 10:16
Name: Alex
Comment: ARDUINO "Link between Arduino pins 3 and 5 connect 1000 Hz clock from timer 2 to timer 1, these timers generate 1 minute time base." Explain it in more detail. Need to connect an external clock?

06.05.2019 - 22:36
Name: Moty
Comment: Sorry I was misleading you with the term RS232, the pic and the player communicate serially at TTL levels so their UART are connected directly' no max232 needed. Are the datasheet, you can google for more docs. is a sample for interfacing arduino, it will be similar with pic. To play a track (0 to 2999) you send a command of 9 bytes. I've never written a code for the player. I may find some free time to try some code, I have a pic16f876a and a DFplayer. My project has a disadvantage, when the cpu plays the SD it can't run the clock, so it can't display seconds. With the player or the TTS this can be overcome. Please send me a link to the source of the TTS module, maybe I can buy one to play with (if it's up to $10). It needs assessing how much memory is needed to store all the words in the pic.

06.05.2019 - 17:18
Name: coding4fun
Comment: I forgot to add my name on the last post. Anyways, I imagine if you have to use RS232, then you must connect a MAX232 via the pic16f876a to the Dfplayer module. am i on the right track? idk, since I don't have a sample dfplayer module in my hand yet. do you have a link to the datasheet??

06.05.2019 - 17:10
Comment: Thank you for the great input. If you want to work on TTS with me then leave me your email address and I will send you a TTS module and PIC16F876A for FREE. I'm working on interfacing the module by UART, since the manual is in Chinese I am having trouble. You can join this project with me if you like. In regards to the "DFPlay" THANK YOU. Do you have any PIC16F876A sample code and schematic using this successfully, if so I would love to try it. I've been following your work and I would love to see the new code for PIC16F876A for this project. Keep up the good work! Thank you.

05.05.2019 - 19:41
Name: Moty
Comment: I have on my list to modify the pic project to work like the arduino. the pic's PWM isn't very clever and it gives reduced sound quality in compare to the arduino. Some new pic include DAC that will give better sound. The interference between the crystals is also a problem. Your idea to add a TTS module (text to sound) is a good one but the cost of existing TTS is high. Another option is to use MP3 player that has SD card and you call a track using RS232.

05.05.2019 - 18:18
Comment: Oops, I was wrong. These .wav files are only for Arduino. Wow! For Pic, you actually have to record your own files. Is there any other way? Especially for those who don't want to record their files. I presume not because of the reading style. Have you ever used any text to speech modules? I would love to chat with you about those. Thanks.

05.05.2019 - 17:23
Name: coding4fun
Comment: Never mind, I found the .wav files in the ARDUINO folder, I'm using a PIC16F876A so I had no interest in ARDUINO. Had I never checked I would be lost.

05.05.2019 - 17:19
Name: coding4fun
Comment: Where can I download the .wav files you used to make this project? I find it hard trying to create my own. It would be easier if you could provide the same ones that you used, please. Thank you.

26.02.2019 - 23:16
Name: Thanh Tung
Comment: Hello

22.05.2018 - 23:03
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Sangatee, Click the button 'download software' add the c file to your project in MPLAB or MPLAB X and you can edit the code if you need to. You can also load the hex file directly to your pic.

22.05.2018 - 08:30
Name: sangatee david
Comment: please i mean the programing software

22.05.2018 - 08:28
Name: sangatee david
Comment: how can i get the peogramming software

13.01.2018 - 20:16
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Konstantyn, These clocks tell the time only when you press the button. It is easy to add to the code to talk when the hour changes. To add alarm is a big change. The Arduino clock gives better sound.

13.01.2018 - 19:02
Name: Konstantyn545
Comment: Is there an alarm clock here?

13.01.2018 - 19:02
Name: Konstantyn545
Comment: Is there an alarm clock here?

13.01.2018 - 09:08
Name: Konstantyn545
Comment: Hello, I want to collect this watch, please tell me they say time every hour?

21.12.2017 - 17:19
Name: Dmitry
Comment: Hi friend please we are too soft pic16f876 , please bin file nice day

21.12.2017 - 17:17
Name: Dmitry
Comment: Hi friend please we are too soft pic16f876 , please bin file nice day

15.10.2017 - 22:49
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Omar, I know too little about simulators to be any help.

15.10.2017 - 19:31
Name: Omar
Comment: Hi, I simulated your clock but unfortunately, time is not moving. We will be grateful if you help us.

15.10.2017 - 15:49
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Mr Ozgur, Yes, when you set the time by pressing the buttons the internal registers (RAM) update. The LCD and the Talk read the time from those registers.

15.10.2017 - 11:56
Name: mr. özgür
Comment: Greatings, I couldn't quite understand how clock states the real time. Does it set the time after i increase or decrease the numbers on lcd display?

15.10.2017 - 11:56
Name: mr. özgür
Comment: Greatings, I couldn't quite understand how clock states the real time. Does it set the time after i increase or decrease the numbers on lcd display?

15.10.2017 - 11:41
Name: mr. özgür
Comment: Greatings, I couldn't quite understand how clock states the real time. Does it set the time after i increase or decrease the numbers on lcd display?

02.05.2017 - 15:47
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Sangatee, Click button DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE , If it doesn't work send your email address and I'll send you the code.

02.05.2017 - 10:57
Name: Sangatee
Comment: Please can I get program code

12.09.2016 - 21:51
Name: mike
Comment: i find this very useful, thanx pls

19.04.2016 - 08:47
Name: dipen
Comment: while simulating on proteus,clock doesnot advances

12.10.2014 - 10:33
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Abraham. My full name is Moty Santos Jelahlibahd.

11.10.2014 - 15:32
Name: Abraham
Comment: can I get your name? I want to reference u you I my Project.

02.06.2014 - 12:08
Name: Moty
Comment: Hi Yusa. 2 GB SD allows for about 20 minutes for each track. The clock doesn't advance during playing the tracks so for the clock showing the right time a track has to be limited to 2 seconds.

02.06.2014 - 02:09
Name: Yusa
Comment: How many seconds can a track be.

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